You might think that price would be the biggest complaint amongst consumers shopping for medical aid in the country, but the statistics show something else. Finding exactly what you want is paramount, it seems, which means consumers are looking for individually focused, cost-effective medical cover. “Focused” typically means an awareness of the various difficulties facing consumers who are shopping for medical cover in this country. When you find them, they’ll be speaking a language that shows they get it. They’re not telling you to pick from an obscure menu. Rather, they’re simplifying things to make understanding what you’re buying as easy as possible.
Focused, cost-effective medical cover reassures you immediately because its presentation tells you that this company gets it. They understand the pain points around medical aid in South Africa for everyone. Focused medical cover says, “I see you. How can we help you?” Most say, “Welcome to confusion. Take your pick.” In an era set to be defined in large part by the customer experience, it’s a sad truth that many companies, not only medical cover providers, still talk from the top down. Highfalutin jargon or descriptions of procedures you’ve never heard of don’t help decision-making, especially when dealing with something as scientific as medical procedures. Indeed, presenting things transparently has become an attribute of the better medical aid providers in South Africa, an arena that up until recently was dogged by copious but vague information, an overwhelming number of options and top-ups, and the assumption that everyone speaks medicalese!
What is Cost-Effective Medical Cover?
What does a cost-effective medical cover look like? For starters, you’ve defined your needs. When a focused medical aid meets you in addressing everything you outlined as important to cover, that’s already cost-effective cover at work. For something to be effective for its cost, it has to meet your needs as you define them. You can see that focus is critical for any medical aid provider - a focus on you. And when a company manifests that customer-facing focus, the cost-effective medical cover comes next. It’s a product of caring for customers first and your internal structures second, and you can’t bluff it, it shows. Moreover, a great medical cover provider will be able to substantiate every line item of a quote - they know the game of medicine and why things cost what they do and they’ll share that openly with you.
Truly focused, cost-effective medical cover is first about you and your needs. First, the company listens, while also presenting itself in as simple and clear a manner as possible. Ask anyone who has shopped for medical aid quotes online and they will tell you how easy it is to end up more confused at the end of that search than you were at the beginning! That’s a failure in customer liaison because a great medical cover solution will make sure it’s heard your needs and has already presented its options as simply and understandably as possible. That’s the best point of departure for successful medical cover and, indeed, successful business of any nature. If ever there was an arena of business in South Africa that could use a return to customer service, it’s medical cover! The quality and details of that service are important, as is the price, and no one does both better than KeyHealth.
KeyHealth is Focused, Cost-Effective Medical Cover at Its Best
Medical cover that assesses your needs accurately, speaks to you in a common language, and shows demonstrable care in providing for you and yours is already cost-effective. Yes, price is important, but being happy to pay for exactly what you want is contentment beyond price. Of course, any medical cover needs to be competitive, but if the company focuses on you and a simple explanation of its offer prices their services competitively, you’ve found your sweet spot.
At KeyHealth, we’ve made it our mission to regain the integrity of our industry by showing genuine care in our service provision. We are indeed focused on you, and our model of individual attention and straight talk has seen us grow quickly over the last few years. We know where our focus needs to be and we know what the current economic conditions are in the country, so our cost-effectiveness is paramount to us too. We are all about you, so spot us online, mail us or call us. Talk to KeyHealth first when you’re shopping for medical cover in South Africa.