Submit a claim
There are 4 ways members can submit their claims to KeyHealth.
Upload claim
Scan and upload your claim
as a PDF.
Upload your claim
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Email claim
Scan and email your claims to
Submit via Our App
Take photo of claim using mobi app and submit via app.
Post claim
Submit your claim via post to: KeyHealth, PO Box 14145, Lyttelton, 0140
Claims Queries
Email your claims queries to
Email claim
Scan and email your claims to
Submit via Our App
Take photo of claim using mobi app and submit via app.
Post claim
Submit your claim via post to:
KeyHealth, PO Box 14145,
Lyttelton, 0140
Claims Queries
Email your claims queries to
*Dear Member, we have received numerous complaints regarding challenges with mail delivery by the Post Office. We encourage you to use our other communications platforms such as the Mobile App and Email.
Important information
The Scheme strives to make the claims procedure for Members as user-friendly as possible, but it remains our members’ responsibility to check claim entries for inaccurate claims.
- In most cases, claims are submitted by service providers (e.g. doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, etc.) on behalf of the beneficiary involved.
- Members should check all claim entries on every claims statement to ensure that the services charged were indeed rendered to them.
- This will enable members to notice any inaccurate claims made against their benefits.
- If there appears to be a problem on any claims statement, the Member must first contact the service provider involved and enquire about the claim(s) submitted.
- If services were indeed not rendered, the member must contact the Scheme to identify the discrepancies, as we want to ensure that you only pay for services rendered.