About Us

We are KeyHealth, nobody else. And we’re obsessed with delivering value, nothing else. Everything we do, every member we care for, is inspired by the simple question: How can we give our members more?

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How can we give our members more?

More cover for everyone they love, more care for every time they need us, more simplicity in a world of chaos and confusion, and more value for every rand they spend.

This, simply put, is why we do what we do:

Delivering real value that speaks for itself.

Our Values






KeyHealth provides affordable medical aid and healthcare management services in a transparent and client-centred manner. Our high-quality range of product offerings suits a diverse market.

2030 Vision

A state-of-the-art provider of affordable healthcare which is simple and accessible.

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We pride ourselves on our deep knowledge of and insight into the needs of our members, based on real-time, reliable and accessible health data and lifestyle insights. KeyHealth is always accessible to all members.