The Importance of an Affordable Medical Aid Membership in South Africa


A medical aid membership provides you with cover related to medicine, treatments, medical procedures, and consultations with a private doctor or specialist.

Now Deemed Essential

Being a member of a medical aid/health insurance scheme is usually optional, but in modern-day South Africa, having a medical aid membership has become essential. It is no longer deemed a luxury or convenience yet many struggle to pay the monthly membership fees.

Spiralling Medical Costs

With or without a medical aid membership in South Africa, medical costs have not only increased exponentially, but they have spiralled astronomically. Unlike other goods and services, the costs of medically related items never decrease. They may temporarily stabilise, but they never drop.

The continuously rising costs affect all parties concerned, including government funded clinics and hospitals, and their patients, as well as medical aid schemes and their members. Most people realise that they must have a medical aid membership in South Africa, so they can receive adequate health care and do not have to stress about their medical needs being taken care of.

Without the assistance of a medical aid, very few South Africans would be able to pay for a variety of extremely expensive treatments, procedures, surgeries, and general hospital fees.

Overburdened and Underfunded

Overburdened state facilities simply cannot cope with the number of patients who seek their assistance. They offer their services at a low cost or free of charge, depending on your personal financial situation. State medical facilities are mostly underfunded and therefore do not have enough resources to meet the demand.

Life Happens

Life happens, and when it does, it can cost you extra money. Illnesses and medical emergencies usually occur when we least expect them to, and we are rarely prepared for the additional expense. Financially speaking, there is never a good time for any type of unplanned emergency.

Call on KeyHealth

A KeyHealth medical aid membership cannot turn back the clock, or change whatever medical consequence an unforeseen event has presented you with, but we are right there to help support your medical needs when life does happen. Although the medical aid option that you have selected will determine the extent of your cover, we provide cover for disasters and major medical expenses in each one of our six plans.

Across the range of options, you will receive unlimited in-hospital cover for certain disaster/major medical expenses claims, which is a tremendous benefit that provides KeyHealth medical aid members with exceptional assistance and peace of mind. However, there are a few terms and conditions with which our members should comply:

  • Hospital Related Costs: These costs will be paid in full, providing that members use a DSP (designated service provider) hospital, and procedures are pre-authorised.
  • Injuries Caused by an Accident: Virtually all such injuries and treatments are viewed and treated in full as PMBs.
  • Specialist Services (In-Hospital): You will receive cover for medical specialists while hospitalised, in compliance with certain conditions.

In addition to a host of other universal and specified benefits, we at KeyHealth provide some of the most affordable and comprehensive medical aid memberships in South Africa. For the best possible benefits and affordable cover, choose KeyHealth.
