Simply Smart, Easy-to-Use Medical Aid Plans by KeyHealth


What is it that makes a system, service or device one that is simple to use? No doubt, you’ve recognised ease and simplicity of use each time that you have encountered something that is user-friendly, but never give much thought to what makes it so.

“Simple-to-use” may apply to anything from a coffee machine to a mechanical tool, knitting pattern, mobile phone, or in the case of medical aid plans, one of the rare and most welcome exceptions – KeyHealth.

  • When a product is simple, it is straightforward, without unnecessary frills and peripheral features that have little or nothing to do with its essential and fundamental function. Non-essentials are designed to make a product appear fancy, sophisticated and more attractive, but actually only add extraneous “clutter”.
  • Simplicity applied to ease of use avoids the need for users to constantly refer to instruction literature. If and when you do want to refresh your memory, the information you require is easily accessible, electronically or via a quick phone call to professional, understanding and helpful trained personnel.
  • The user has a clear understanding of exactly what the product or service is intended to provide, what’s excluded, as well as the process required to utilise it optimally and correctly.
  • Simplicity and ease of use shouldn’t be confused with inferiority. They are simply smart.

KeyHealth’s Simple, Smart Plans

  • Essence
  • Equilibrium
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum


This list indicates our KeyHealth plans in ascending order, both in terms of monthly contribution costs and benefits, whilst exclusions decrease.

Essence is therefore the least expensive, but does not cover day-to-day, out-of-hospital medical expenses. It is a plan that may suit a healthy young person who anticipates few day-to-day costs, and can afford to pay those that do occur occasionally.

Platinum offers the most comprehensive cover, without a specific exclusion list. Consequently, the Platinum plan’s monthly contribution is higher than those for alternative plans.

All our simple-to use medical aid plans cover disaster or major medical expenses, PMBs, chronic medication and supplementary services, while also including free additional benefits. Basic terms and conditions apply to all.
