Essential Benefits of Medical Aid


Even if you are fortunate to be well-moneyed, you still should join a medical aid fund; that’s if you’re wise. Life happens and circumstances can change in a split second. You just don’t know what may lie ahead in this game called life. If you’re not one of those fortunate folks, and you work hard for your income with which you sustain yourself – with or without a family that depends on you – you also need a medical aid. You’ll almost certainly require the use of its benefits, usually completely unexpectedly and out of the blue.

Not a Luxury, but Essential

Medical aid membership shouldn’t be a so-called grudge purchase. Medical aid is not a luxury; it is essential, but it should tick the “worthwhile”, “good value”, and “benefit” boxes too, providing you make the optimal choice of fund and plan that best suits you and your current circumstances.

  • What’s your age – young, in-between, middle aged, or on the mature side of life?
  • Your marital status and circumstances – young, single, newlywed, or married and settled with dependent children, or single parent, mature, empty nesters, elderly, or pensioner/s?
  • Your income and budget – what can you afford to spend on medical aid membership?

Here are the KeyHealth benefits:

  • KeyHealth believes in keeping medical aid simple and smart – easy for you to understand which one of our five straightforward plans is best for you by taking the above-mentioned questions into consideration.
  • We are there for you when you need medical treatment, providing peace of mind when you most need it – if you fall ill, require hospitalisation or in a medical emergency.
  • We don’t confuse medical aid membership and benefits with extraneous fripperies and supposed benefits that actually have nothing to do with medical cover – the fundamental reason why you joined a medical aid fund in the first place.

These are only a few of the benefits of KeyHealth’s medical aid plans. Suffice to say – we bring you smart, simple medical aid plans at the most affordable rates possible for a worthwhile, fairly priced, beneficial, and essential healthcare funding service.
