Planning to Become a Member of a Smart Medical Aid Plan


Most money-savvy South Africans formulate their financial plans for the following year towards the end of the current year. It is the wise thing to do, especially nowadays. Economic conditions in South Africa are tough and trying, and a belt can only tighten so far. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead, so that you can allocate your money in the best possible way the following year.

Everyday Planning

As a task, planning is not as tiresome or complicated as it may seem to be at first. Once you knuckle down and get started, it could even be satisfying. Without even being aware of it, modern human beings formulate and execute plans virtually every day. You may decide what to wear tomorrow, where to have lunch next Sunday, which movie to see, which alternative route to take to work when there is heavy traffic, or what time you should set your alarm in the morning.

Medical Care Contingency Plan

It is very important to have a contingency plan in place, in case you, or one of your dependants require medical care for an illness or a medical emergency. Events can carry crippling financial costs, unless you have an effective medical aid plan in place. Belonging to a medical aid scheme that offers a plan that suits your circumstances, medical needs, and budget, is crucial in present-day South Africa.

Hoping for the best by relying on state-sponsored healthcare facilities that have now become rather unreliable due to a lack of resources, is no longer an option. In your own interest, you simply must join a private medical scheme, after evaluating which plan or option meets most of your criteria. You may be sure that the experts at reputable medical schemes, like KeyHealth, have conducted their own extensive planning, prior to making their respective medical aid plans available to the public.

KeyHealth’s Medical Aid Plans

At KeyHealth, we offer simple healthcare solutions, and believe in working smarter rather than harder. We do not want to boggle your mind with overly complicated jargon that is difficult to decipher and understand.

The same principle applies to the unnecessary, additional benefits offered by some schemes, in order to tempt you with items that have no bearing on medical cover, which is the very reason why you join a medical aid plan in the first place.

It is in our mutual interest that you understand our smart, affordable medical aid plans, what they cover, and which exclusions apply. Both parties should be able to avoid misunderstandings and complications when claims arise. Below is a basic outline of the medical aid plans we offer:

  • Essence – KeyHealth’s most affordable option.
  • Origin – also very affordable, and includes some day to day medical expenses cover.
  • Equilibrium – includes day to day expenses and dentistry cover.
  • Silver – has a considerably higher MSA limit, with only three exclusions.
  • Gold – does not have exclusions.
  • Platinum – our most comprehensive option.


All KeyHealth medical aid plans include cover for disasters or major medical expenses, Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB), chronic medication cover, and three additional free benefits. Additionally, all KeyHealth medical aid plans offer members free emergency medical cover, which is subject to only a few simple, logical terms and conditions. This is part of an innovative KeyHealth initiative, a planned benefit for you.
