Deciding what is affordable for you is a highly personal exercise. It is an important process, which enables you to make an informed financial decision. First and foremost, you need to establish your monthly income after tax and other deductions.
Next, make a list of all regular, fixed monthly expenses, including monthly savings, and deduct the sum of these expenses from the take home pay amount. That with which you are left thereafter is more or less what you can afford to save or spend elsewhere, including on monthly medical aid contributions.
If your employer offers medical aid membership as a perk, or as a compulsory salary deduction, that is also a condition of employment, you are actually very fortunate, because the medical aid membership prices charged for closed group scheme membership are typically considerably lower than the prices charged for belonging to an open, private medical aid.
Pros and Cons of Private Medical Aid Pricing
In the latter case, there are pros and cons. You are able to exercise your own free will in whether to subscribe to a private medical scheme or not. Choose which one you wish to join, plus select the plan which suits you, is affordable, and accordingly has the most competitive price. However, you must keep in mind that you get that for which you pay, even if the medical aid is as competitively priced as KeyHealth.
Private medical schemes are non-profit organisations. Nonetheless, it is imperative that each scheme charges prices for their services that enable them to accumulate excess funds in addition to having the means to pay for members’ medical claims. Such accumulated funds are held in reserve to ensure that the scheme remains financially viable, solvent, and strong.
Each and every monthly contribution made by members consequently includes a carefully researched margin to keep the scheme and its members’ cover active, effective, afloat, and viable. This is reflected in the prices they charge for medical aid membership and cover.
How KeyHealth Keeps Prices Down and Affordable
The key to KeyHealth’s remarkably affordable medical aid options lies in our ethos and belief: providing the best possible medical aid cover and medical plans for the most affordable prices.
KeyHealth offers six plans in total. Our plans are designed and developed to meet the needs of a relatively broad, comprehensive spectrum of members.
Research has demonstrated that people usually have a hard time selecting medical aid plans when affordability versus cover is an issue, because their disposable funds are limited or constrained. The more plans with which they are presented, the more difficult it become to choose one.
Those who are fortunate enough to have pots of money, generally do not have to worry about medical aid prices, but most people do. We offer plain, simple, smart, and affordable medical plans and prices that cater for the needs of many South Africans, at prices with which they are comfortable. Join KeyHealth, and you will see what we mean and offer. Medical treatment, procedures, and medicines may be prohibitively expensive, becoming ever more so, because all prices continue to increase, often rapidly and several times per year.