Here Is How to Get Medical Aid When You Become an Adult


To go without permission from your parents, being able to spend a day in your pyjamas without your mom telling you that you need to put on “real clothes”, buying the food you want at the grocery store, and eating cereal for dinner because you are too lazy to cook. The benefits of being an adult still outweigh the burden of responsibility but you cannot be an adult without taking on responsibilities like buying your own clothes, food, toiletries, and kitchenware. When you grow up, you start to understand why your mom became so angry when you lost your lunchbox or backpack.

With growing up, you might have to do other adult things, such as:

  • Find a stable job or build an empire
  • Take out car insurance
  • Pay your own rent or mortgage
  • Pay student loans
  • Vote
  • Try to figure out how to get medical aid
  • Raise kids and pay school fees
  • Work out a budget
  • Start saving for retirement
  • Pay taxes
  • Build a good credit record
  • Wash and iron your own clothes
  • Learn how to change a tyre


Do not worry, there are a lot of people who can help guide you through the adult world. While we cannot help you when it comes to your taxes, we can tell you how you can get your own medical aid through KeyHealth.

Think About What You Need from Your Medical Aid and How Much You Are Willing to Spend

If you are still quite young, chances are that you will opt for a basic plan like our Essence option, which will provide you with the basic cover you need as a new adult without breaking the bank. A few benefits you get are:

  • Your treatment-related costs at any Life Healthcare or Netcare hospital will be paid in full.
  • Prescribed Minimum Benefits – meaning you get cover for emergency medical treatment, 25 chronic illnesses defined in the Chronic Disease List, and a limited 270 medical conditions, which are defined in the Diagnosis Treatment Pairs.
  • Medication prescribed for you to use continuously for one of the 26 CDL (Chronic Disease List) conditions for three months or more.


We recommend that you do your research to see if it will cover your needs. If you do not feel like reading a lot, you can speak to a representative who will be able to discuss your requirements with you, discuss the best options for you and give you more information on the different options available from KeyHealth.

How to Get Medical Aid Through KeyHealth

  • You can complete our online application form, which will not take you longer than five minutes, and one of our representatives will contact you to discuss your needs and options.
  • If you have a bit more time, you can complete our new-membership request form online and get a quote.


Becoming an adult can be hard but it does not have to be. Take it one new responsibility at a time and start by getting your own medical aid through KeyHealth.
