Looking for a Medical Aid Quote Today?


Are you looking for a medical aid quote, either because you want to join a medical aid scheme for the first time, or you are moving to another employer, or looking for a more cost-effective and better alternative than that to which you are currently contributing? Depending on which rival scheme you approach, you may have to spend hours to decipher what is on offer.

Plain, Simple, Straightforward, and Smart

Alternatively, we would welcome your enquiry, knowing that you are making the right choice for medical aid cover plans that are the easiest to understand, most straightforward, pure and simple, and contain some of the most cost-effective options available.

At KeyHealth, we have deliberately avoided all the extraneous fripperies and extras that only confuse applicants and members. We focus on providing the best possible, simple, and smart medical aid cover – the reason why you want a quote and cover in the first place. KeyHealth has three walk-in offices in Durban, Centurion, and Port Elizabeth respectively, where consultants are on hand to advise and assist you personally. However, the smartest and quickest method to obtain a medical aid quote from KeyHealth is via our website.

Matching Circumstances and Plans

It is likely that you already know why it is necessary or actually essential to belong to a medical aid scheme in South Africa. You undoubtedly are also aware of your personal circumstances, such as age, income, expenses, affordability, marital status, dependents, and general health.

In the interest of keeping things simple and easily understandable, we have four sets of personal circumstances on our web pages. The Compare our Products link refers to them: Singles, Couples, Families, and Single Parents. Select the option that best describes your status, complete and submit your date of birth, and two possible plans will pop up. Thereafter, if satisfied with a plan, complete our KeyHealth Get a Quote request, and we will get back to you.

Easy – yes. Smart – for sure. KeyHealth – most certainly a great choice for pure, simple medical aid cover that meets your needs and budget.
