The Best Route to Get an Online Quote to Join a Medical Scheme


Along with a few billion diehard shoppers, many new users have moved online as a way of life for a host of other reasons besides merely shopping for goods. Certainly, the sheer facility of being able to glean information and make decisions and purchases online is a huge contributor to the predicted online reality of our immediate future, and even formerly absent people all over the world have come onto the web for the ease and speed it provides. Make no mistake, however, the last year’s lockdown has been a massive boost for online shopping, liaising, and information gathering too.

Unexpected it might have been, but it can’t be denied that a global pandemic has certainly pushed hundreds of millions of people into the connected realm, one which they formerly avoided or didn’t rate as a wholesale resource, mostly because they simply didn’t know what was available (or possible) online.

One visible advent of this surge in online activity has been the emergence of various “portal” sites. These platforms have emerged to service comparisons and other quests in almost any field that touches consumer lives. The problem consumers face when using such online portals, however, is that the pricing information they get is only as good as the backend development built into the site. If the developer went for a model of relatively superficial information on a wide variety of insurance offers or medical scheme benefits, for example, that superficial glimpse is too often insufficient for making a decision on something as important as your personal health and well-being.

Far too often, an online search for an understandable and comprehensive quote simply leaves consumers more confused than when they started out! The information available online is too often insufficient to make an intelligent decision and having third-party intermediaries popping inadequate quotes up all over your screen is not edifying, and soon becomes frustrating.

It happens because the price comparison site has no vested interest in the businesses it’s presenting. Price comparison sites are by nature all things to all people, apparently, but that model turns out to be pretty useless when shopping for critical services. That said, and assuming you can avoid the clutter of varying site formats, varying levels of information detail, and varying evaluations of your age and current health status, getting a quote on joining a medical scheme online is a smart facility, and you can indeed determine a suitable fit from online investigation, and get a quote that means something concrete.

In a nutshell, it’s better to go directly to service providers, rather than ask a third-party site to compare them for you, As a prominent and reputable healthcare service provider, KeyHealth has gone to great lengths to enable clear and productive online investigation and decision making around its services.


How to Go About Getting an Online Medical Aid Membership Quote

Here’s what you need to consider when looking for medical aid quotes online:

  • Evaluate your healthcare needs honestly in terms of your age and habits. If you’re still young and healthy, your demands of a medical scheme will be different to, say, a smoker in their 60s. Chronic conditions or family members will also impact your needs of a medical aid, so think it through carefully.
  • Be realistic when it comes to your budget. A medical aid membership is an essential component of your life, and it can’t be considered a nice-to-have. Of course, “Give me the full house on everything!” is the easiest and most reassuring choice to make, but realistically, the financial implications have to be honestly factored in and budgeted for.
  • Also look at the financial health of any medical scheme you’re considering. Remember, it’s a business, and a good business will show financial soundness and an absence of negative reviews. Especially when it comes to a medical scheme, the service ethic will shine through online, or not, and a medical aid’s approach to their clients is something that can make all the difference to your subsequent experience after joining.
  • And the clincher-make sure you understand the benefits being offered, and how they might apply (or not) to you.


KeyHealth Cuts Through the Clutter

On the last point above, is where KeyHealth comes into its own as far as facilitating online quotes goes. Here’s how we’ve laid out our offer:

  • You’ll see our ethos and the reasons why we’re a cut above laid out plainly in our Quick Links tab online, and we’re all about simple explanation and logical decision making-no fluff or confusing jargon that will spin you around in a quandary, wondering about our service levels and commitment to you, our customer.
  • You’ll find the cover you need under our Find The Right Cover tab, where again we’ve made it simple to accurately pinpoint what exactly you need from a medical aid.
  • We’ve loaded all of our intel into documents you can peruse at your leisure too. More than that, we’ve got an online application form available on site, and any other changes to membership and the like are easily facilitated by additional forms available online.
  • Then we’ve gone on to depict each plan option with its benefits clearly and simply, eliminating you ever having to cross the bridge back into confusion. We understand that no one can successfully toggle heaps of competing and overblown information in their head, and still hope to come out at a good and comprehensively satisfying decision. Don’t punish yourself by hoping that at the end of an extensive search, you’ll have a clear picture in your mind-just get it right away. KeyHealth online is all about straight facts and great service-buzz our live support for quick resolution of any query you might have.


Visit KeyHealth for an Unambiguous, Tailored Quote on Medical Scheme Membership

When you want to go directly to easily understood, simply presented options on medical aid schemes, visit KeyHealth first, and we just know it will set the tone for any other facts you may want to gather. We’re all about eliminating the jargon and its resultant confusion, and all about providing unambiguous information to our clients.

We’re a seasoned medical scheme with a huge lean towards customer service, and your peace of mind. Visit us online first when you want to know, and know clearly, and we’ll give you a tailored quote in terms anyone can understand, and at a price you can afford!
