Still Affordable in 2018 – KeyHealth Medical Aid


Are you about to start your first job in 2018, or are you changing jobs early in the New Year? Does your new employer offer subsidised medical aid membership as one of their company fringe benefits, or is it entirely up to you whether you’ll sign up and join a medical aid scheme and, if so, for which one?

There’s another reason why you may be thinking about medical aid providers for 2018. It in particular applies to persons who have an existing medical aid and refers to the size of your current and new medical monthly contribution in 2018, especially if your first choice would be to receive the same or similar benefits to those with which you’re already familiar.

Are 2018 Rates Affordable?

As from about November each year, most South African medical aid schemes advise their members about annual membership increases, usually on all their plans, across the board. In many cases, major medical schemes have increased their rates for 2018 by more than 10%, a whopping increase to some people, who simply cannot afford to remain on their existing plan during the coming year. This latter group of people represents a large number of South Africans, most of whom have had to tighten their financial belts during 2017, and it seems that more of the same will be required in 2018.

Essential if Affordable

No-one can dispute the fact that the cost of living in this country has increased dramatically, while the economy is barely expected to show growth during the following year, bar a miracle or two. Nevertheless, medical aid membership should not be seen as a grudge purchase; it has become essential for every South African who can afford it.

Affordable Scheme with Affordable Plans

That’s also why it’s a sage idea to opt for an affordable medical aid scheme with affordable plans that nonetheless offer the best possible cover and value for money. There is a medical aid scheme that ticks these boxes – KeyHealth. Sign up now for 2018’s affordable medical aid plans that remain smart and simple.
