Compare Medical Aid Schemes
Having a medical aid scheme is a vital part of living in South Africa. Don’t get stuck in that frame of mind where you think that nothing will happen to you…don’t risk your life that way. Not all medical schemes are expensive; in fact, their price has been calculated regarding how much the average person earns. They are not there to steal your money, nor are they there to scam you. Quite simply, they exist to keep you safe and healthy.
There are many South Africans who know that they don’t get ill that often, or don’t tend to put themselves in danger. They believe that these medical schemes are thus not worth their consideration. However, how do you know you are not suddenly going to get incredibly ill, or be part of a big accident? Do you know how much this would cost?
The answer is, you can never tell. This is why it is wise for everyone to compare medical aid schemes and find the best one for them. You shouldn’t leave yourself at risk, and you definitely shouldn’t leave your family at risk.
How to Compare Medical Aid Schemes
The most popular question about medical aid schemes is how to compare them. This is actually quite simple.
Most medical plans will be based around the same three benefits; in hospital benefits, out of hospital benefits, and chronic benefits. However, each plan will offer you a different amount of cover, and each plan will have different types of requirements.
One of the first things to take into consideration when you compare medical aid schemes is whether there is anything specific you require. Make sure you know what your family needs medically. If you want benefits for psychiatric illness or chiropody, then make sure you search for plans that cover these. If your family has a history of heart disease or cancer, than look for medical aid plans that would cover these instances. When you have found them, make sure you know the limitations for each plan.
Another point you must check when you compare medical aid schemes, is whether the plan covers your doctor or hospital. A lot of plans will only cover specific hospitals or doctors, and you don’t want to find out too late that you must drive a few hours in order to get treated. Make sure that your plan will cover a hospital and doctor that is close to you; one that won’t take too long to reach in an emergency.
Comparing the Price
Picking a reputable medical aid scheme will probably cost you a bit more. However, this is because you know that you are paying for a quality service. If you are going for a scheme you haven’t heard of before, then it is wise to do a lot of research into them first.
KeyHealth Medical Aid Schemes
Here at KeyHealth Medical, we have built up a fantastic reputation over the years. Our clients know that they can come to use for help and advice whenever they need it, and that we provide great value for money in all of our packages.
We have packages available for those on a tight budget, which cover 100% of your hospital costs. For those who can afford more, we offer fully comprehensive packages with fantastic day to day benefits.
Whatever you are looking for, we have something for you. Speak to one of our staff members today, and find out how we can help to keep you healthy.