You don’t spend hard-earned money willy-nilly, just for the sake of it, even if you are affluent. You want to get what you pay for and you are entitled to value for your money, whatever it is that you purchase, insurance-based products included.
Insurance Aspects
Some insurance companies, particularly those that deal in short-term cover, may have a reputation of looking for reasons not to pay upon receipt of a claim, rather than looking at the merits of a claim/claimant. Medical aid schemes are akin to other insurance purveyors, in that they offer varying degrees of predetermined cover in the event of an accident or emergency situation. Obviously, medical insurance provides cover for medical conditions, healthcare, and related or life-saving treatments and procedures, which may happen in or out of hospital.
Similar to policyholders at other types of insurance companies, medical aid scheme members hope that they’ll seldom or ever have to submit a claim, but they realise that life happens and it isn’t always fair. Medical aid scheme members pay monthly contributions to belong to the scheme, while policyholders at other insurance companies pay monthly, bi-annual, or annual premiums. Medical aid members enjoy the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that their medical expenses, which may be extremely high, will be fully or partially met, depending on the plan that they’ve chosen and its benefits, as offered by the medical aid scheme of their choice.
KeyHealth’s Options and Benefits
As is the case with other medical aid schemes, KeyHealth offers several plan options – five in total – so that we can manage each professionally, without confusing our members by offering too many options with too much red tape and conditional complexities that are difficult to absorb and understand. Instead, the key to our medical aid scheme at KeyHealth is keeping it simple and smart. We treat our medical aid benefits the same as far as is possible, since we exist to support our members, who are all unique human beings with diverse medical aid benefit requirements. Our website’s design is one of the simplest and smartest of its kind, since it provides prospective members the essential information that they require to make an informed choice from amongst our five options, their respective monthly contributions – as well as benefits and exclusions – at a glance.
Universal Benefits
Certain benefits are universal, across the board, according to South African legislation, with which we comply:
- Disaster or major medical expenses cover, which may be so costly that fees charged can financially ruin a non-medical scheme member.
- Chronic medication, used for the prolonged or lifelong treatment of specified chronic medical conditions.
- Supplementary services cover for items such as emergency ambulance transport and medical appliances. Varying annual claim limits may apply.
- Prescribed minimum benefits that apply as defined and legislated, irrespective of the medical aid scheme’s plan the member has chosen.
- A set of three additional benefits – Easy-ER, Smart Baby, and Health Booster.
In addition to providing as many benefits as each option and contribution allows, and of course, our “keeping it simple and smart” ethos, KeyHealth medical aid scheme exists to serve and benefit you, our member.