You are young, and that is amazing. However, you will probably only realise much later on that being in this age group has its own potential risks, even though you may currently feel that you are going to be fine, healthy, and well forever. Why should you join a medical aid?
Risks and Responsibilities
Young people are notorious for being at greater risk during their early adult years, especially when driving. This is reflected in the cost of motor vehicle insurance premiums for young adults. These premiums are based on statistical data, which is a pretty accurate reflection of the risk factor, attached to young adults.
While you are free to enjoy all the privileges of adulthood as a young adult, it is still essential to assume adult responsibilities too. In addition to vehicle insurance, you also need another vitally important type of insurance cover – medical aid.
Inadequate State Resources
In today’s South Africa, medical aid membership really is essential, whether you are young and single, mature, or elderly. If and when you require medical assistance and treatment, you want, need, and deserve to have medical aid. But it is not that simple, in reality.
Two Choices
Government hospitals and clinics are so over-burdened by the immense demand for acute and chronic medical care that they are buckling under extreme, constant pressure on their financial and medical resources, which are insufficient or even depleted. This situation is worsening, sadly.
As a young adult, you have two choices: hope for the best and join a seemingly never-ending queue in a state hospital, or join a private medical aid plan. Choose one that is designed and affordable for young adults, and receive the timely professional medical attention you need, when you need it. Yes, medical aid membership will mean an out of pocket, monthly expense, but it is negligible when compared with the alternatives. What are you waiting for? Choose an affordable medical aid plan for young adults from KeyHealth.