Affordable Medical Aid Schemes to Consider for You and Your Family
When it comes to protecting yourself and your family, the health plan that you have in place is quite important. Many people might take their day to day healthy living for granted, until they are faced with an illness, accident or emergency of some type. Being sick is scary, and being unable to afford treatment is even worse. If you want to ensure that you and your family have a safety net should something go wrong, then investing in an affordable medical aid plan would be advised.
At KeyHealth Medical we make it our duty to present a wide range of the finest packages to the market. We set about designing five main packages that are able to meet with a variety of needs and budgets. If you aren’t sure if you are able to afford much, let us know and we will provide you with as much information as possible.
The five packages that we offer and their benefits are as follows:
- Essence package – this particular package is our starter option for those who are on a limited budget. This is cover without the frills. You can expect to be offered full cover to 100% of an agreed tariff. In-hospital benefits cover hospitalisation, theatre fees, intensive and high care unit fees as well as any required medicine when you are discharged. Other benefit cover includes psychiatric treatment, sub-acute facilities and wound care, blood transfusion, organ transplants, dialysis, oncology, radiology, pathology and prosthetics.
- Equilibrium package – this package covers hospitalisation fees with pre-authorisation. Theatre fees and intensive / high care unit fees are also covered with authorisation. Psychiatric treatment, sub-acute facilities and wound care, blood transfusions, organ transplants, radiology, oncology and so on are also all covered with compulsory pre-authorisation.
- Silver package – this particular package is ideal for a small or young family. It offers great hospitalisation cover but also has day to day and savings plan cover included. The theatre fees, intensive and high care unit fees as well as any required medicine when you are discharged will be covered. Other benefits that you can expect to enjoy is cover for psychiatric treatment, sub-acute facilities and wound care, blood transfusion, organ transplants, dialysis, oncology, radiology, pathology and prosthetics.
- Gold package – this particular scheme is able to offer its members unlimited hospitalisation cover of up to 100% of the pre-agreed tariff. It also offers a medical savings and generous day-to-day cover.
- Platinum package – this scheme is by far the most comprehensive of our offerings. Full cover for hospitalisation is offered including theatre fees and high care unit services with no limit for both private and state hospitals. Full cover is also offered for blood transfusions, prosthetics, radiology, oncology, psychiatric treatment, dialysis and so much more.
Of course we want nothing more than for our clients to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle. With this in mind we encourage each member to become more active and to eat right. It is also essential to have your blood pressure and cholesterol checked regularly so that you are aware of your physical health at all times. Our website often features great meals and also specials on having these types of tests done.
At KeyHealth Medical we provide our clients with up to date information and advice regarding our packages and the type of cover that they can expect. We also like to make sure that from your very first day with us that you know exactly how the benefits work and are aware of how to claim, should you need to. Take the time to chat to one of our consultants or a broker who handles our packages and feel free to make as many enquiries as you like. We are always willing to assist our clients to make the right choices for themselves and for their loved ones.
We offer a great optional extra called the Health Boost which you can add to any of your chosen packages. This is a service that is focused on covering preventative treatment and is certainly worth your attention.
Start thinking about saving money, by investing in affordable medical aid cover, that you can actually rely on. We will ensure that your every need is taken care of and that you are provided with complete peace of mind that you will be given decent medical attention should you fall ill, have an accident or be faced with a trauma.