Understanding and Comparing Types of South African Medical Schemes


You probably already know why having some sort of medical insurance is vital for you and your family. Even if you are healthy, you still want to be prepared in case of an accident or emergency. South Africans have no shortage in terms of medical scheme options. While the majority of them are restricted medical schemes, there still are quite a few that classify as open medical schemes.

The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) is the regulatory body of the medical scheme industry in South Africa. In accordance with their regulations, medical aid schemes in South Africa must have a minimum of 6 000 members, in order to register with the CMS. All bona fide schemes must be registered. Comparative medical scheme sizes are based on, and determined by, scheme membership or subscriber numbers.

Comparing Restricted and Open Medical Schemes

Restricted medical schemes are not accessible to the public at large. Membership of each restricted scheme is limited to people who are employed by certain companies or organisations in specific sectors, industries, groups, or companies. It can also apply to individuals who are in specific professions. In comparison, open or private medical schemes are designed for individuals who do not qualify for restricted scheme membership, but still want and need medical cover.

The Least Expensive Option

You want to make comparisons between various medical scheme options, to help you make the right decision for you. Restricted, group, or closed medical schemes’ monthly contributions are often less expensive than those of open or private schemes, since membership may be compulsory for employees. They are thus “captive” or “guaranteed” members, which ensures that the scheme remains financially viable. Companies themselves may subsidise members’ contributions.

The Public Health System in South Africa

These days, many people are struggling afford monthly medical aid contributions. Despite the South African Government’s best efforts to provide free medical care for all this country’s citizens, the public health system is in disarray, and is unable to cope with the huge demands placed on its services. Most individuals in this country have already made the necessary comparisons, in terms of quality of care, and have realised why joining a medical scheme is the best option.

Affordable Medical Scheme Comparisons

Medical scheme membership is essential these days. KeyHealth medical scheme is not the biggest, nor do we have the most members out of all the registered private or open schemes, but we are well-established. The medical scheme was registered in May 1968. KeyHealth is amongst the smartest, simplest, and most affordable medical schemes that offer medical cover solutions to the public at large.

They KeyHealth medical scheme offers six smart medical aid plans, with affordable monthly contributions, to suit most pockets and varying requirements. Depending on the selected plan, contributions for 2018 vary between as little as R1 360 and R7 408 (for our top plan that provides the most comprehensive cover) per month. Find your KeyHealth medical scheme solution and get peace of mind too.

We have made it really simple and straightforward for you to read, understand, and make comparisons between all six of our plans. This will help you make an informed decision about the options that are best for you, and meet your needs adequately.
