Pick of Affordable South African Medical Aid Options


Until relatively recently, South African medical aid options were limited. In the early 1980s, those that existed were restricted to group medical schemes. This meant that no private or open medical aid schemes, as we know them today, existed. Many employers did not provide group medical aid membership as part of their employees’ remuneration packages or fringe benefits. Big companies or groups that employed a large workforce, could choose to join a group scheme, of which membership was usually compulsory.

One Fits All

Payment of group medical membership contributions was compulsory, and would take place automatically as a salary deduction. These companies with group medical aid schemes decided on a specific option with predetermined benefits – a single plan for all employees with no option to vary or alter the cover.

Adapting to Changes in South Africa

Since then, a great deal has changed in South Africa. Medical costs began to increase substantially and persons who did not have group cover needed private or open medical aid options. Private medical aid schemes with various options were established and the Medical Schemes Act of 1998 was promulgated, taking effect in 1999.

South Africa became a bone fide democracy in 1994 and access to free medical care at clinics and state hospitals was available for all South Africans. However, these resources soon became overburdened by the sheer numbers of people seeking medical attention, a situation which continues to exist, while the cost of belonging to some medical aid schemes’ options has become prohibitively expensive.

Fortunately, there is KeyHealth, a South African medical aid scheme that believes in keeping things simple, smart, and streamlined. At KeyHealth, we offer five medical aid options, each with its own set of member benefits, plus three additional free options of which all members may avail themselves. KeyHealth keeps costs and members contributions as low as possible without compromising on benefits, making us one of South Africa’s most affordable medical aid options that offers true value for money.
