Are You Finding Your Current Medical Aid is too Expensive?
The cost of healthcare has always been high. Extensive premises, expensive equipment and the appropriate remuneration for highly qualified medical professionals all contribute to the price of providing this vital service. Surprisingly, that price tag is often higher in South Africa than in some far wealthier European countries or the United States. This disparity occurs because tariffs set by the Department of Health are only guidelines. Healthcare personnel are free to charge whatever they wish, leaving patients to hope their medical aid will cover at least most of their expenses. Fortunately, many local schemes undertake to pay up to two or three times the DOH tariffs where necessary.
Seeking More Affordable Options
However, the price of almost everything, from food and energy to rent and transportation, continues to rise at an unprecedented rate, leaving many desperate to find ways to economise. Sadly, many people can no longer afford to pay for their existing private healthcare cover and need to find a more affordable option. If you are among them, you have two options. Either downgrade your current medical aid cover or switch to one of the other open schemes in South Africa.
While the first option involves far less hassle, you can only modify your existing cover at the start of a new membership year. You might have quite a long wait until the first of January. Of course, if you are already using your scheme’s cheapest product, you have no option but to seek help elsewhere. Whether out of necessity or choice, moving to an alternative provider can be a bit more complicated. You can switch medical aids in South Africa at any time. However, there is more involved than just completing an application form.
Most importantly, you will need to satisfy the new provider that you had existing cover until the date of the switch. Providing proof will ensure you are exempted from the mandatory three-month waiting period generally applied to first-time members or those without cover for too long. Whenever you switch, your benefits will only extend until the end of the current year, and you could still face a premium increase when you renew. Nevertheless, the move to another medical aid in South Africa should not be based on price alone. When your family’s health is on the line, your private healthcare cover must be adequate as well as affordable.
Enjoy More Benefits when Switching to KeyHealth
If you plan to switch schemes to save some money, consider joining KeyHealth. Start enjoying affordable, dependable cover that includes several free unique core benefits. We are the oldest and one of the ten largest medical aid providers in South Africa. Why not check out our 2022 products? We believe you will be pleasantly surprised.