Tips for Obtaining and Evaluating Online Medical Aid Quotes
Most employees of larger companies in South Africa receive group cover for private healthcare expenses plus a contribution towards the monthly premiums as part of their employment package. However, those who work for one of the smaller companies or are self-employed must undertake to organise membership in a suitable open scheme. While this would previously have involved numerous phone calls or office visits, obtaining preliminary medical aid quotes online has since simplified the process significantly. However, few people would accept the lowest price when purchasing a vehicle without checking under the bonnet and kicking the tyres. When your health and your family’s well-being are at stake, there is even more need for caution.
The current economic circumstances following the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have forced many to seek ways to cut costs. However, although there might be a limit to what you can afford, evaluating your medical aid quotes on price alone could prove unwise and possibly dangerous. Let’s examine the best way to obtain quotations before dealing with the factors on which to base your choice.
Use Comparison Sites to Compare Quotes
Almost all companies now operate a website. You could Google a list of open schemes and visit each site individually, although this could prove time-consuming. Instead, you could select one of the many comparison sites and check out those schemes that subscribe to their services. You might need to visit more than one site to maximise coverage as service providers’ preferred partnerships tend to differ. Choose all the medical aid quotes that fall within your budget and not just the cheapest. Providing a few simple personal details via an online form will generate a quotation from each company selected, saving you time and effort.
Don’t Make a Selection Based on Price Alone
Generally, the premium price will tend to reflect the value of the benefits provided by any given scheme and its products. Each company offers a range of several products to ensure affordable cover for as many people as possible, and the cheapest of these is invariably a hospital plan. Although the low premiums may be tempting, stick with the higher medical aid quotes unless you are young, single and enjoy good general health. If you have dependents, it is crucial to select a product that meets the known and anticipated healthcare needs of everyone. Be sure to read the terms and conditions for details of any limits or exclusions that might affect you.
Alternatively, you could approach one of South Africa’s oldest and most trusted schemes. At KeyHealth, we offer six products priced to suit most pockets. So, before getting bogged down with obtaining and evaluating medical aid quotes, why not view our product range and the unique free benefits they include.