Avoid Blindly Applying for Medical Aid Cover
Nowadays, it’s relatively easy to apply for membership to a medical aid online. Virtually all well-established companies make use of electronic communication tools, especially the Internet and smartphones. Most websites, including that of KeyHealth, contain the basic essential information with drop-down lists that prompt you, making completion of the application a breeze. Most will agree that the online application process is generally simple and easy, but choosing the actual medical aid is complex and downright difficult, with one notable exception – KeyHealth. We pride ourselves on keeping everything about our medical aid plans and options as simple, transparent, and straightforward as possible.
Nevertheless, you need to identify, know, and understand exactly which plan or option you’re choosing, what it means, what it covers and, especially, what it does not cover. Not all medical aids are equal; terms, conditions, and exclusions may vary as much as do contributions. This is complex and difficult, and you need to conduct research – easier said than done, unless you’re looking at KeyHealth. It’s also vitally important that you know as much as possible about the particular medical aid company you intend selecting, otherwise you might end up being disappointed, frustrated, and possibly out of pocket when you or your service provider submit a claim.
Why You Need Medical Aid
Very few people, if any, never become ill. Sooner or later, most people get sick, have complications or may need surgery to correct a problem or save a life. If not, you’re really lucky, but one never knows what lies ahead, especially when you have children or you’re older and/or frail. In emergencies, the last thing you need is to be worried about finances and the affordability of treatment. Although they provide a great service for multitudes of citizens, state hospitals frequently have waiting lists for elective surgical procedures. This may sometimes even spill over to emergency situations. Their resources are strained, since the demand for medical treatment is greater than that with which state institutions can comfortably cope.
Equipment breaks down and may be out of use for some time, pending repair, due to overuse. You invariably are compelled to join lengthy queues to obtain chronic medication (and treatment) from state hospitals; there’s no guarantee that you’ll be attended to on the day either, not if you’re one of hundreds waiting for assistance. Medical care, like the cost of living, has become expensive. When hospitalised, there are usually unforeseen costs in addition to just your stay and your doctor’s treatment. With medical cover, you can focus on getting well, knowing that medical aid will take care of the bill (depending on your plan)
Comparing KeyHealth
We’d love you to take a look at our easily navigable website when comparing the pros and cons of medical aids. For your ease and convenience, you’ll find a page with options for singles, couples, families, or single parents, since needs are as individual as persons requiring medical cover. We also offer five medical aid options for which you may apply. Each includes various benefits, in addition to PMBs, and there’s sure to be an option that suits you, your income and budget, and the varying needs at each stage of your life. It’s easy to understand the advantages of applying at KeyHealth Medical Aid.