2023 Benefits
In 2023 KeyHealth is building on the value foundation created in 2022.
In 2023 Keyhealth is building on the value foundation created in 2022 to give you even more rich benefits.
We are driven by the question, “How can we give our members more?” More health cover for everyone you love. More health care for every time you need us, more simplicity in a world of chaos and confusion, and more value for every rand you spend.
Benefits Improvements for 2023
For 2023 we have enhanced or improved our benefits and introduced a range of exciting initiatives, including the Integrated Care Programme comprising, among others – member home monitoring, hospital@home, and Centres of Excellence for the treatment of those of our members at severe or high risk of illness.
This programme allows the Scheme to offer you, our member, an integrated healthcare management system with positive outcomes, including reduced hospital admissions, shorter hospital stays, reduced cost of care, and improved satisfaction and experience.