6 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing Medical Aid Options for 2020


The end of the year is upon us once again, and for many of us, this means a flurry of activity to get everything in order for the new year. If you have not yet finalised your healthcare cover for the year to come, the time is now. One’s health is absolutely invaluable, and all reasonable care should be taken to preserve it. However, given the sheer amount of choice available, how do you know which are the best medical aid options for 2020 for you and your family?

Here is a guide to help you make an informed decision when considering medical aid options for 2020:

1. Check Your Own Specific Health Requirements

Just as no two medical aid options are the same, no two people’s healthcare requirements are the same. What do you need as an individual, and do you have any specific health issues that need to be covered for 2020? Your needs should lead the way in the choice of cover you consider.

2. Reconcile Your Needs with Your Budget

Another important factor to consider when looking at medical aid options is your budget for 2020. This does not only mean what monthly contribution you can afford. Also weigh up what you would normally spend a month on healthcare and determine if your cover will offset this expense.

3. Make Sure You Understand the Benefits Offered

Many medical aid providers present their options for 2020 in a very complicated way, making it difficult for people who are not in the industry to understand. Remember, this is your cover, so ask all the questions you need to, as many times as necessary, until you understand what service you can expect.

4. Do You Need Comprehensive Cover or A Hospital Plan?

Many of us have to be budget conscious. If you do not often make use of a GP, would a more affordable hospital plan perhaps give you the peace of mind to know you are covered if anything were to happen?

5. Check Which Doctors, Hospitals, and Healthcare Service Providers Are Covered

To keep the cost affordable for all members, certain service providers enter special agreements with healthcare professionals. This means that your healthcare plan may perhaps only apply to certain doctors and hospitals. Make sure you understand who they are and where they are.

6. What Are the Annual Limits on Various Services?

The same goes for specific healthcare services. Cover is often limited to a certain amount per year to control overall cost. Be aware of the limits and choose one of the medical aid options for 2020 that meets your needs.

At KeyHealth, we realise how difficult it can be choosing the right healthcare solutions for you. There are so many choices, and so much information to work through, that it can be overwhelming, leaving you with the dreaded feeling that you may not have made the right decision. That is why we keep it as simple and straightforward as possible. Not only can you easily compare our different medical aid options for 2020 online, but you can also get in touch with one of our friendly consultants who will gladly guide your through the process and answer any and all questions you may have.
